How I built this website

July 31, 2024


After 7 years I’m coming back to re-do my personal website and also using this as opportunity to refresh and evolve my front end skills.

Previous version of the website was built primarily with HTML/CSS, Tachyons and Jekyll for blog. Some Javascript sprinkled for sticky header and some small effects. Jekyll librabry started failing and not as supported as it used to be. This time I want to learn Next.js and some simple backend so this website is not only showing work but also has interactive features even if small like Like button for blog posts, view count for each article. Starting early July I devoted an hour or two per day to learn how Next.js works which means learning some react and Javascript in the process.

So what tools did i use?

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind
  • MDX
  • Vercel
  • Figma

The habit has to be to deploy new code every day and evolve this website. It maybe new article, it make be additional work or videos (coming soon). If I don’t work on this website I will be deploy every day anyways working on side projects (coming soon). But the underlying goals is to build and create something new every day - could be art, could be valuable product or just showing my work.

As time of this writing it’s enf of July I’m about to release first version of this website. So maybe in a few months the vision might change.

If you have any recommendations about what you content want to see here or even visual suggestion - I’m open for feedback. Email me →