Product designer
Mobile, strategy
Why transit?
Providing efficient ride alternatives can help move the Lyft app further up people's consideration funnel.
Lyft's mission is to build the world's best transportation. As I joined a team called strategy, we've found 30% of US commuting is happening on public transit. And our participants indicated they would love to see public transit directions on Lyft so they don't have to juggle multiple apps.
For our first transit product, we've decided to build something that will target the largest share of transit users. We called it Nearby Transit because everyday transit commuters' primary use case is to see nearby transit - when their train/bus arrives.

Nearby transit details
We've decided to only show first 3 departures because those were the most relevant to the frequent transit users (target audience). They look at times it's usually around 30 minutes before they're leaving.

Map search
If user would like to see nearby trasnit times at a different area tey can move the map and the panel will refresh nearby transit lines.

Feedback module
It was crucial to validate if our product is useful within Lyft ecosystem. I've came up with the idea to allow users to give us instant in-app feedback to see how people are use the product. When user fills it out it routes their feedback straight to our team slack channel. It gave us a lot of insights and helped us to refine the product later on.

After the product has been live for about 6 months we've travelled to different markets and interview our early users to truly understand where can we improve upon our exprience. With the lessons learned we've redesigned the product to be more intuitive, scalable for new features and adaptable to different use cases and cities.

System flexibility
Given the variation of different Transit route types like bus, train, and subway each has it's own color, extreme short or long names - Nearby Transit system had to be designed to be flexible and adaptable to different use cases and cities. Moreover, we needed to design this system to be modular and allow for future growth within Transit platform. And on top of that it has to look recognzable to local transit commuters, usable and meet accessibility standards. Lastly, the system had also look on consistent with Lyft brand and design system.

Other transit products I've worked on

Transit routing

Service alerts

Coordinated pickup

Crowding at stations
More details will be added soon...