
DAO governance and community building platform


Product design

Web design



About Persona

Today we have DAO’s using various web3 tooling to govern their funds. They’re also using separate platforms where they socialize about how to govern the funds, building their teams and communities (apps like Telegram, Discord, etc)

Would it makes sense to bring all of that into one? This is what Persona has been trying to achieve. I was brought in on board to focus and design their web app from zero. From overall architecture to finest visuals, and every flow from onboarding to creating groups, to accounts, posts and of course the chat itself.


Architecture I established

After exploring various architectural directions I’ve decided to stick with familiar navigation patterns from decade industry tested desktop platforms.


Before and after

When I joined, the team showed me live demo which was their first attempt at implementing their vision without a designer. It gave me a good insight into what entities and features they plan to have as well as initial engineering constraints.


Demo product the team showed me when I joined


My designs

Profile and direct messaging

Profile shows NFT's the user autimatically owns when they join paritcular DAO's, communities, teams or channels. It can also show contirbutions and even teir own artwork. The vsibility is customizable. Overall this function adds pesonlization to eaach profile, ownership and help other users to have a quick glance of the person's activity.


Profile as a wallet

To recieve NFTs and tokens every user account automatically becomes a wallet at creation by default. Users can manage deposits and withdrawals, seeing all trasactions in their account settings.


Treasuries, proposals and voting

Proposals the main way to vote and manage speding in treasuries in Persona. Proposals are created individual channels or teams in each DAOs and allow members to vote on proposals.


Posts, proposals and events

When user creates a post they can choose the type of post. They can create a proposal or an article or an event. Event can be published as separate page and when people buy ticket and attend the event the funds from automatically routed to the channels' treasury. Pretty neat!


Designed to be consistent with mobile exprience

All patterns when designing on the web was designed in mind to scale for both mobile and desktop. To help with mobile work there was another contractor designer at Persona focusing on mobile exprience so we worked in tandem to make sure the mobile and web versions were as close as possible.

Left side panels (navigation)

Main interaction screens

Right side panels (details)

More details will be added soon...